Hutton Digital Display is the best marketing method to get your message in front of prospective customers. You can find over 100 of our digital display screens at key locations throughout Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico, and more than 30 in Las Cruces and Mesilla.
The videos shown on our screens are engaging and are conversation starters. You can find out what to do and where to go while picking up cool trivia facts to quiz your friends.
What makes this effective for our clients is that interspersed between the entertaining local interest content are their advertising videos. Filmed by our experienced team of videographers, these videos share information that makes people want to visit the businesses they see on our screens.
Need to know who visits our screen locations, how long they stay, and even more demographics? We track the number of people who visit each location as well as how many are return visitors or first-timers. This data can help you plan your marketing campaign and show you that our digital display screens are in the right place and in front of the right people for your message.
Hutton Digital Display Screen Locations